New Mexico scored an F in the 2022 Shared Hope International Report cards.

The Project

Since 2011, Shared Hope has laid the foundation for transformational policy, practice, and cultural change by supporting state legislators and stakeholders to enact the minimum fabric of laws needed to address child sex trafficking. The Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking build upon the last decade of progress, challenging states to take the next step in the fight against sex trafficking by focusing on the area where the largest gaps remain—victim protections. These materials provide an in-depth analysis of current laws and include recommendations to strengthen those laws.

New Mexico Report Card Issue Highlights

New Mexico Download Library

Shared Hope International continues to deploy new law review, grading, and analysis packages from November 2022 through February 2023.

2021: Report Card | Law Analysis
State Ratings under the Protected Innocence Challenge (previous framework 2011-2019) can be found here.

Download the Complete Toolkit

Get each state’s report card and analysis conveniently packaged in our 2022 Report Cards Toolkit. Download the Full Toolkit (20MB)

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